Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tool #6: Screencast-O-Matic

Tool #6: Screencasting

Screencasting allows practitioners to create a video out of whatever is done on their computer screen, accompanied by vocal narration. The resulting videos can be posted on YouTube or a website or made into a video file, including MP4, AVI, and FLV movie formats. A microphone must be connected to the computer for the narration to work. I have microphones that can be borrowed for this project, and if you decide you want to make use of this technology regularly, we may be able to check one out to you for a longer term. Teachers primarily use this tool to show students how to access information, such as documents on a Moodle page; how to operate software or online programs; or how to use online resources. Some teachers are beginning to do their content instruction this way and assign the viewing for homework so that class time can be spent helping students practice the new skill. This is known as the “Flipped Classroom.” Anything that is done using the computer can be re-created using Screencasting tools. I have chosen to use Screencast-O-Matic for this tool because it is free (up to 15 minutes per screencast), easy to use, and does not require a software download. Other similar programs, such as Jing, have more features, but often require a download, may not be as intuitive, and may charge for the service. ScreenToaster is another free option that does not require a download. 

Here is a screencast created by math teacher called "Law of Sines," as an example of what you can do.

To complete Tool 6:
  • Watch some of the Law of Sines screencast
  • Sign up for a Screencast-O-Matic account
  • Watch at least the first “how to” video on
  • Create a screencast of something
  • Upload the screencast to your Screencast-O-Matic account
  • You may also choose to upload it to YouTube (optional)
  • Embed or provide the link to your screencast in your blog post

Optional Challenge Activities:

Add your screencast to the Park Center TTT open channel, at To do this, you need to begin recording your screencast from the TTT channel page. 

·         Set up a webcam and include a real time video of yourself in your screencast.
·         Add captions to your screencast

     Second year participant requirements:  

·         Set up your own channel, either on YouTube or Screencast-O-Matic – or both.

     Create an open channel on Screencast-O-Matic for students to place their Screencasts for an assignment

     If you don't have a class, create screencasts to demonstrate to a colleague how to do some function on the computer, such as accessing a U-drive folder, sending an electronic copy request, or submitting a report.