Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Feedback from Participants

Some comments from participants in the 2011-12 program: 
Great technology resources for the classroom!
The program was applicable, depending on the time and effort you wanted to put into it.
The program was a wonderful look into possibilities that can broaden any classroom experience.
An easy way to learn how to use new technology tools that you can actually incorporate in your classroom.
Very helpful and useful!
Connected with other like-minded teachers [with whom] I never had before...!
5TTT is a vivid reminder that web applications are becoming the new way to get things done.
It is always good to get an opportunity to explore how to further utilize technology in the classroom.
I like how it was an online

Friday, May 25, 2012

Congratulations participants!

   Congratulations to those of you who have completed the 5TTT program! And to those who haven’t, thanks for trying. I hope you all got a lot out of it, and may be interested in trying it again next year. Here is the final survey for the program. Although I’m not calling it a requirement for the completion of the program, I really value your input. It’s the only way we will know how to improve our systems for bringing technology staff development to you. Thanks so much for your participation in the program and for taking the survey. I hope all of you get a chance to take a breath this summer and poke around on some of these great, free web 2.0 tools that are available to us.
   As an added incentive to participate next year, I’m checking out the iPads from our iPad cart to staff over the summer. The first people that sign up as intending to participate in next year’s technology professional development program get priority for checking out iPads. Here’s the form for that.
   Congratulations to the following 21 people who have completed the program!  Each received either a $20 gift card for Best Buy Company or a 4GB video MP3 player. If you got the gift card, you might want to check out Best Buy's Memorial Day Sale this weekend. Program graduates are: Natasha Abu-Saba, Diane Ahlberg, Jennifer Ajsenberg, Carli Andersen, Rob Anderson, Anne Beckman, Jessica Gillespie, Stacey Haas, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, Justin Jacobs, Colin Kemmis, Jason Olson, Lauren Peralta, Bev Rath, Megan Rohwer, Scott Schugg, Manon Tam, Lori Taylor, Sue Toohey, Laura Williams, and Sally Wojahn. Your 5 technology CEUs have been posted on Keep Certified. Congratulations, also to those who tried, but couldn't find the time to make it work this year. I know that this stuff doesn't come easily to many of you, and I commend you for giving it a go. Please enroll again next year, and get even more out of it, regardless of whether you complete the program. Everyone's a winner with this program!
   Finally, the winner of our Grand Prize drawing, an Amazon Kindle Keyboard 3G, was Laura Williams. I hope that you enjoy some great reading on it this summer, Laura! 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Almost done!

5TTT participants are wrapping it up for the year. Congratulations to those who managed to finish or are about to do so despite all the demands of our jobs. Thanks to those who tried out a few tools but couldn't find the time to complete the program. Please note that the final instruction for posting your Screencast on the Park Center 5TTT channel has been made optional, as I didn't provide adequate instructions. You need to be start your screencast from the channel page for it to be saved on a given channel.

We are planning to provide a similar staff technology training program at Park Center again next year, and hope that you will consider joining us again to apply your new skills to your practice and to learn a few more. Next year, one of the tools will be learning to use iPads. We will be allowing staff to check out iPads this summer to begin to get familiar with their use. Let Dhaivyd know if you are interested in getting on the advanced list for checking one out. I hope to see many of you at 2:15 on May 23 for the awards ceremony at our afternoon staff meeting. You are now qualified as technology leaders for the school. Again, congratulations.