5 Tech Teaching Tools (5TTT) Park Center’s Web 2.0 Professional Development Program Winter-Spring 2012 |
The 5TTT professional development program allows staff to learn about new technology tools that might be useful for their jobs. Participants can complete the requirements for each tool on their own in the allotted time frame, and/or during lab time each month. This can take as little as one hour per tool. We have selected five tools for the five full months ending the school year:
- January: Start a blog & subscribe to the blogs of others
- February: Start and contribute to wikis using Google Docs
- March: Use Google Forms to create a survey or test
- April: Start and maintain a social bookmarking site
- May: Use Screencast-o-matic to capture computer-based lessons on video
- Extra credit (June): Use one of the following web 2.0 tools: Animoto, Prezi, Glogster, or VoiceThread
Participation Information
This program is open to all staff at Park Center Senior High. The program meets the technology requirement for re-licensure, and CEUs are available through Keep Certified. The class name is: “PCSH: 5 Tech Teaching Tools.” Experienced Web 2.0 users as well as novices and everyone in between are invited to join. The program is self-paced and self-directed, though the Small Lab is reserved throughout the day once every month for participants to use during their prep hour or after school. The open lab dates are Friday, Jan. 13, and Mondays Feb. 6, Mar. 5, Apr. 2, and May 14.
How It Works
You document your participation by setting up and maintaining a blog (Tool 1).
Each Tool will show you one or more Web tools. Participation in 5 Tech Teaching Tools allows you to take time to explore and enjoy these tools.
Even if you think you know all about the tools in Tech Teaching Tools, we encourage you to join the program. We have added Challenge sections to some of the Tools to stretch you, and you can always learn more about any of the tools through independent exploration. We will learn from you because you will blog about your discoveries.
Registration begins on Tuesday, December 20, 2011.
- You must register your blog by Monday, January 9 and complete all 5 tools by Monday, May 21, 2012. Registration occurs as part of Tool 1. Click here to begin.
- The drawing for the AmazonKindle will be held at the staff meeting at 2:15 on May 23. Only participants who have completed the requirements will be eligible for the drawing.
- Didn't finish all 5 in Round 1? You can re-register your blog and finish in Round 2, next school year, though you will not be eligible for this year’s awards.
Everyone who registers by Monday, January 9, completes all 5 items on the list, and blogs about each one by Monday, May 21 will receive a completion prize, will be eligible for the Grand Prize drawing, and may receive CEUs through Keep Certified. Otherwise, there is no deadline and this course will remain online through September 2012.
Tutorial Format
Each month begins with a brief written explanation of a new Web 2.0 topic or tool, followed by a numbered list of activities related to the tool. These exercises give you the background you need to understand the tools you're learning about. Don't skip them!
When you have completed the items in each list, you comment or post to your blog. (You will learn how to set up a blog in Tool 1.) Your blog is the tool to communicate your reactions, new-found skills, ideas, questions, and favorite Web sites to the other 5TTT participants and is how your completion of all 5 Tools is documented.
There will be no classes or workshops offered to support this program outside of the open lab time, during which time the program manager, Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, will be available. Staff are encouraged to work together with others in the building and share with each other their discoveries, techniques and "how to" both in person and through their blogs.
Check the 5TTT Blog for any 5TTT updates and activities.
Program Manager: Dhaivyd Hilgendorf, hilgendorfd@district279.org; @dhaivyd; X88717
We've only just begun and as of 3:30 on the first day of registration, 4 people are signed up through Keep Certified!